Sunday, February 8, 2009

Back, Gamin

There once was a girl with red braids
obsessed with the black Ace of Spades
Not ominously
but literally
She filled up her house with old maids


  1. The say that those auburn red tresses
    an innermost fire expresses
    They come with fair skin
    and no melanin
    so sunburns are cancerous messes

  2. There once was a girl with red braids
    Obsessed with her sharpened sled blades
    She ordered her help
    On hill to lay scalp
    Her staff's now all bald-headed maids

  3. "The Redhead is Dead" said the headlines
    but writer was rushed--he had deadlines
    The line should have read:
    "The Redhead has Bread"
    (She'd waited all day in the breadlines)

  4. So red was my true love's red hair
    she barely escaped the Red Scare
    McCarthy did say
    "If you look that way,
    why don't you go live in Red Square?"

    Norm Knott (Not Surly)

  5. So red was my true love's red hair
    she barely escaped the Red Scare
    True patriots said
    "With such a hued head,
    why don't you go live in Red Square?"

